Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spending OOPS! I mean Stimulus bill...

For the past couple of days I've found myself watching cspan and have found it quite entertaining. It's comical the way the fools in Washington are scurrying around trying to pass this Stimulus bill in order to "stimulate" the economy. According to figures that have been posted at various sites, the grand total is equivalent to borrowing $10,520 from EVERY family in America, and keep in mind, this 800 and some odd BILLION will have to be paid back! And the bill is loaded with all kinds of things that touch on getting our economy back on track. For instance, $150 million to repair the Smithsonian should provide a multitude of jobs -- don't you think? And extending Medicaid by $89 BILLION and food stamps by $20 BILLION gives the unemployed great incentive to get out and find employment. $650 million for digital-TV coupons; $90 million to educate “vulnerable populations” Now, I'm not totally against the vouchers, but c'mon, $90 million to educate "vulnerable populations"? What does that even mean?! I don't know about where you are, but for the past six months at least we've had commercial after commercial telling us to prepare for DTV. I've heard "talk" of things such as funding for ATV trails, yes, that's what I said, ATV trails. In Texas, we call those pastures, or dirt roads, not much funding needed for that. This bill is speckled with PORK. Can you smell the bacon?? None of these things, as well as others, will do anything to promote, provide, or stablize jobs for the American people. What's really bad is that we are tacking on all of this debt and our children and grandchildren are inheriting it, and for what?? We are being robbed, and in a blatant way. Pelosi, Reid? -- hope you're happy!

Check out the rest of the stimulus bill here.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Michael Phelps - busted!

Seriously, I was/am a HUGE Michael Phelps fan, he is what even started my interest in watching the Olympics last year. Before, I never had the desire. I watched almost every event faithfully and was almost sad when it came to an end. I'm sure by now you have all seen the dreaded photo of Phelps taking a hit from the bong (the media sounds so archaic when referring to it as a marijuana pipe, it's a freakin' bong!) When I first saw the photo, I didn't feel disappointed, I felt a feeling of, "how could you be SO stupid?!" Did he really think that NO one was going to seize the opportunity to present this to the media? And the way the media is attempting to crucify him, give me a break! I understand that in doing this he touched upon some moral clauses in some of his contracts, but should we REALLY hold celebrities, athletes, and such to a higher standard than we do ourselves or other commoners such as ourselves? First of all, this isn't something I would discuss with my children at the dinner table, and if the media would quit flashing it every 30 minutes, our kids would be none the wiser, IF it was truly their concern that he's letting so many children down. Secondly, I want my children to understand that none of us, even celebs, are without flaws and faults. IF I choose to discuss this with my children, I don't want them to think Michael is a horrible person, he just did a stupid thing and made a mistake. And no one that I know is immune to that. So, I say, lay off of MP. I'm sure he regrets this 10x over. He has to live with that, not us.